
2022 Case Study // Unofficial Redesign

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Company: machimachi (case study)
Project: Case study on how to improve user experience with the website, focusing on improving clarity of the menu
Deliverables: Website Proposal

About the Client
Originally from Taiwan, machimachi is a bubble tea franchise which prides itself on using high quality ingredients to ensure high quality taste and aesthetics, with their top priority is to ensure positive customer experience.


The project aimed to tackle existing pain points of the current website which included a difficulty in reading the online menu due to excessive scrolling, struggle to identify drinks due to no visual reference, and disorganised layouts.

What I learnt
This was a good opportunity to learn more intricacies and features Figma has to offer, after previously learning how to do UX design in Sketch. In particular, creating a design system, grid system, and a detailed prototype that effectively mimics how the website would function visually if it was a real, live website.